The setting for this week's runs. |
Sometimes I lament the fact that Los Angeles doesn't have a fall season (Natives will argue with me about this, but I maintain:
Los Angeles has no fall). Growing up in the midwest, the fall season was woven into our beings. It was a time for introspection; Mother Nature's brilliant last act before dropping the winter curtain. The weather got crisp and leaves fell from trees. We pulled on hoodies, drank apple cider, tossed the football, and engaged in countless other rituals while celebrating the fleeting moments of outdoor weather. It was very humbling. Living in a climate that doesn't have that seasonal cycle of death and rebirth is something that will always feel odd to me.
Running an 8 mile stretch of Route 73 with Giant Mountain
in the background. |
So what a delight it was to visit the Adirondacks of New York this week! The weather was crisp (if not downright cold) and the trees were exploding with color. Getting in a 3 and 8 mile run was the perfect way to appreciate it.
Consider my soul satisfied. I can now return to Los Angeles humbled and reverent towards the cold weather. And thankful for year-round 75 and sunny. I'll never stop missing Fall in the midwest, but they can keep January through March.
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