Sunday, January 27, 2013


Click to enlarge

Note the time stamp
This week looks lazy at first glance, but being able to get that one weekday run in was a miracle in itself.

Over the next couple weeks we're shooting a new campaign for Old Navy. Call time is at 7:30 all the way over at Universal, which necessitates a 5:00 am wake-up call if the run is going to get done. I figured it was more important to stay "un-sick" than be stubborn about getting all runs in. So after Monday I just embraced the recovery week.

The long run on Saturday was rough, though. Around mile 10 came the realization that I need to get in at least 2 of the weekday runs. We'll see how it goes this week.

Week 20 miles: 16.2
Total training miles: 370.3

If you're looking on a mobile device, kindly follow this link to donate.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Click to enlarge

Week 19 miles: 32.8
Total training miles: 354.1

If you're looking on a mobile device, kindly follow this link to donate.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


December was tough. Long mileage coupled with long hours and work threatened to undo everything for which I've trained. On average I missed about one run a week, but never the long runs on the weekend. Definitely not that 16-miler that almost killed me.

But it's a new year and with it comes a renewed determination to keep up with runs (and the blogging/fundraising).

For your consideration, here is December's patchwork of completed runs. Total distance: 99 miles (so close).

Click to enlarge